Valley View Church
Valley View Church
FREE and FEARLESS: Fear God to Be Fearless
Sunday Morning | July 16, 2023 | Colby Flowers | Louisville, KY
Our guest speaker for today's sermon is our own Colby Flowers, Student Pastor, and is taken from Isaiah 6:1-8.
In this powerful sermon, Pastor Colby Flowers explores the concept of fear and fearlessness in the context of our relationship with God. Drawing from the biblical passage in Isaiah 6:1-8, he uncovers the profound truth that to be fearless, we must first have a fear of God.
The sermon emphasizes the personal conviction that arises when we see ourselves in light of God's holiness. It encourages honest self-reflection and the need for cleansing and atonement through God's grace. By fearing God and recognizing the vast distance between His holiness and our own sinfulness, we can experience transformation and become fearless.
Drawing parallels between Isaiah's response and our own lives, the sermon explores how fearing God can make us fearless in various areas. It emboldens us to face judgment and sin with confidence in God's steadfast love and forgiveness. It empowers us to resist temptation, knowing that God's fear is before us. It also enables us to fearlessly navigate the challenges of this world, understanding that the fear of God surpasses any fear of man.
This sermon leaves viewers with a challenge: Do we truly fear God? Are we willing to let His holiness transform our lives and lead us into fearless obedience? Join us as we explore the transformative power of the fear of God and discover the freedom and fearlessness that come from surrendering to Him.
You can join us on Sunday mornings at 11 AM for worship. We are located at 8911 3rd Street Road, Louisville KY 40272.
Well, good morning. Church or. Hey, before we get started, let me pray again for us. Yeah. God, you are holy. And your word tells us Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts. The whole Earth is full of your glory. And this morning, these words. How magnificent and great they are. Father, They still fall short. So, Father, I pray that as we approach this time, that we would see nothing about this as routine or as trivial, that we would not approach this flippantly, but we would see this as an opportunity to see you as you are. And I pray, Father, that your word would reveal that to us. It's not my opinion, it's not my thoughts. God, it is your words showing us who you are. So this morning, would you grant me the words to do that? And you would give us all eyes to see your holiness and glory this morning in Jesus name, I pray. Amen. And, well, if you want to turn with me to Isaiah chapter six, it's where we're going to be this morning. Isaiah Chapter six, verses one through eight. And we're actually going to be looking at the second part of our vision statement for this year. So we looked at free, as you can see over here on the wall, we looked at free the first two weeks and now we're going to be looking at the second part of that. And that is fearless and funny enough. So I went to college at Asbury. Some of you all may have heard this come in the headlines here lately of this school and PA going to Asbury. Every freshman class is assigned with a name and you're I think you've got a pretty good idea of you could probably guess what I'm about to say what our name was it was fearless. So I have a little bit of a connection with this word. And I got to admit, I'm not really a fearless person. I can admit that. My wife can tell you that as well. Sometimes I'm a little scared of her, to be honest. But part of being this idea of fearless, I can own up and say that I'm not really that fearless. For instance, I hate heights. Anybody is scared of heights in here. Well, naturally, if you're scared of heights, you probably aren't going to like roller coasters. Right? But I've learned that sometimes to overcome a fear, you need to be afraid of something else. More as that makes sense. So I was coerced and I use the word coerced very specifically. I was coerced to take a group of students to a theme park. So you can imagine the students heckling me, saying, Why aren't you getting on the roller coasters? You better come with me. Well, eventually it got to the point and I realized to myself, I think I'm more scared of being called chicken by these little students than to get up on this big roller coaster. So luckily, you know, you know, God walked in me and I got on these roller coasters. I got on a couple of them, and I was fearless up to the point of getting to the very top, you know what I mean? And all of a sudden you start plummeting down them like, What did I do? This is a bad, bad, bad move here. But I've kind of learned this idea and where to see this truth played out in this in this text this morning that to be fearless, we need to have a fear of God. And so this is going to be a truth that's going to be hard to to accomplish or to understand this morning. So we've got a lot of digging to do this morning. But to be fearless, I believe we have to have a fear of God. And so there's two questions I'm going to ask and answer this morning for so you can be on the same page. There's we're heading into this text, two questions that that I'm going to ask and answer is, first, what does it mean to fear God? And with that, following after this is how do Christians become fearless? So I think these two are connected that if we have a fear of God, that somehow in some way this will cause us to be fear lists. So join me on this journey. We're in impacts and big ideas, but I believe God has a lot to say this morning. And we're going to be announcing a Chapter six. We're also going to have scripture that we're going to bring in because we need it to understand the passage. But feel free to stay here in this book and follow along on the screen. But Isaiah chapter six verse one says this In the year that King Isaiah died, I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up, and the train of his robe filled the temple. King used. I was the king of Israel. He died in 740 B.C. and he was he was leading the people of Israel right up to the point that they were conquered and exiled. If you know your your Bible history. But in the same year, it says that Isaiah, this prophet who is going to be used by God to share his word to the people, he gets this vision sometimes in the Bible, visions sometimes would come while people were asleep, but then other times, prophets or people of God would sometimes get a vision while they're wide awake. So I don't know in this instance, which is if he's asleep, if he's awake, but it really doesn't matter so much. But he gets this vision and understand this this morning that he is going to try to describe heavenly realities with human language. So you can see some hopefully you can see that this is hard to do. He's witnessing something, He's seeing something. And so for him to describe these realities, he's using human words. But look here to verse one, back up here. It talks about how the the Lord is wearing a year on the throne, but he's also wearing a robe, talking a little bit about how he is a king. Also showing here that he is in a temple. And normally when you see the word temple, the word comes to mind is priest. And this is even a foreshadow of of Jesus as he comes. And he is to be called the king of kings. And he is supposed to be the great high priest who is supposed to make sacrifice on his people. But this is the description of the Lord in this moment. Look here in verse two goes on and says above him, This is Isaiah describing this stood the Seraphim. Now, these were Seraphim were angelic creatures. They were creatures that were in the presence of God. And they are described as worshiping God throughout the Bible. In fact, if you know your Bible, we know what the Ark of the Covenant is. It was this box that the people of God created. They overlaid it with gold, and on top of it was a mercy seat, a throne on and on either side of it were these Seraphim. And there's this picture even here in this passage of what this was. But these Seraphim, you could even call burning ones, they were kind of identified as these bright creatures because they were in the presence of God. They were holy. And so what we see here are these burning holy creatures. Isaiah sees them and he notices that they've got six wings. Says here they have six wings, too. They covered their face with them. And the reason why is because even these bright burning ones as beautiful and as glorious as they are, they can't even be in the presence of God without shooting their face, too. It says that they cover their feet with two of their wings out of a sign of humility towards them. And finally they've got to that they are flying with. And so all this to pick up. Isaiah is trying to describe this picture of the Seraphim flying around the throne of God. It says in here in Isaiah six, verse three, and one of these called to another and said the following words Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts. The whole Earth is full of His glory. Now, we've got a lot to unpack here because we need to understand what the word holy means and what the word glory means for us to understand this passage. And so I'm going to try to define these things, but I'm to be honest right now, it's kind of impossible. And the reason why is because the word holy, the holiness of God in the glory of God is a very thick word. And I'm a lean on a pastor and speaker and teacher named John Piper for this. He's got a definition or a thought on this that I think is helpful. He says Defining the glory of God is impossible, I say, because it's more like the word beauty than the word basketball. And his point is simple is that with a basketball, we can define it as it's this, it's this ball. It's sometimes orange. It's either rubber or leather. You can bounce it. You're supposed to shoot it into a basketball goal. So we can define what a basketball is. Right. But now try to define the word beauty. It's hard. Instead, what we do is we point to things and say, That's beautiful and we'll point to something over here. We'll say, This is beautiful. Yes, the sunset and the sunrise. Those things are beautiful. The Grand Canyon is beautiful. And by pointing to things as we see them, that's how we come to a definition of what the holiness in the glory of God is as well. So I'm giving a give you a definition, as imperfect as it may be. But for us to understand the passage, I believe we need some type of baseline. So for us this morning, the holiness of God is the quality of the infinite perfection, greatness and worth of His character that makes him uniquely separate from all things. I realize this is a thick definition, but for us to understand the holiness of God, it's going to be okay. But here it is again. The holiness of God is the quality of the infinite perfection, greatness, and worth of His character that makes him uniquely separate from all things. You see, God is separate. He is unique. We separate. And the reason why he is uniquely separate is because of who he is. It's in his character. It's in His Holiness. He is perfect and he is infinitely perfect. And as a result, that separates him in a unique way that no one else in this universe can achieve. The holiness of God is what makes God God, and no one can achieve it. And yes, there are things made in his likeness. You and me, we are made in the likeness of God. But we can never achieve the holiness of God. But here's another aspect to this. That's the holiness of God. But now, as the passage says, Holy, holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts. All the earth is filled with what His glory. So how do these two things kind of connect? So the holiness of God is, is who God is His His words and his greatness and his character. Listen to this. The glory of God is the display of His Holiness. So make this kind of clear with an illustration. But the glory of God is the display of God's holiness. And so I'm have the the light, the lighting person. He's working the lights this morning. They're actually going to dim the lights for us. So bear with me. I know this is a little bit different. Might throw you off, but if we have this light shining up from our mover here, you can see the lights, you can see it. And honestly, this is can symbolize the glory of God for our sake this morning that we can see and visualize the glory of God for all it's worth. We see this in creation. We see this in a great marriage. We see this when a parent loves their child. We can see the glory of God in all of these things. But there's a difference between the holiness of God. And so I'm going to warn you, I want you to maybe cover your faces a little bit because I want to see the holiness of God is when the light comes down and we see the source of it. So go ahead and do that. The holiness of God is that source of the glory of God. It is what's shining and it kind of makes You do what? Yes, it kind of makes you do this. So, yes, we at times can see the display of God's glory, but we really can't see the holiness of God because it it is perfect, infinite character. And this is what I say is doing is is about to do. He's got to lift his hands because he can't see it. Because you and I are imperfect. While God is perfect, there is an infinite chasm between the holiness of God and our unclean. This and a rely on John Piper again, because he says the glory of God is the going public of His Holiness. It is the way He puts His Holiness on display for people to apprehend. Because for you and I to understand that something as great as God's holiness, he needs to put it in terms that we can understand it. That's why we have things like the Grand Canyon. That's why we have the things in this world and then this this creation to look at when we look to the stars of heaven. In fact, Psalm 19 one says, The heavens declare what the glory of God. Psalm 91 says, The heavens declare the glory of God. And the sky above proclaims his handiwork. ROMANS One has something here for us. Two Romans 120 says for God's invisible attributes, namely his internal power and divine nature have been clearly perceived where ever since the creation, the world and the things that have been made. So we can see and know the holiness of God by seeing creation. And ultimately, as we're going to get to in a second, by seeing Jesus. So for me to put all these things into terms, it's hard for us to wrap our minds around this fully. But there's a little bit more here in verse three. I say it six three back here again. Holy, holy, Holy is the Lord. Three times they have to say it in fact, there's a passage later on in the Bible in Revelation, the last book, when John's writing his vision, he sees something very similar and hears very similar words. He sees angels surrounding the throne, Seraphim and cherubim, and they're singing to God very similar words, saying, Holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is him is to come. And they're doing it night and day continuously over and over and over again. And it is a picture of the heavens and the throne room of God of what these angelic beings are doing. So there's a point out of this because I think we often missed this because in our culture we sometimes thinks repetition is a bad word. But let me tell you this morning, that repetition is not redundancy about redundancy, I mean, worthless or boring. But listen, repetition actually allows us to think on things more and more and more. And if you were to go to these Seraphim and we had this conversation saying, Don't you get tired of singing about the holiness of God, they would say, No. And I think the truth is, is that we need to be repetitive in some of the things that we do in regards to our worship of God, because sometimes we need to say over and over again so that we can get it. It's why Jesus prays three times in the garden. It's why these angelic beings are singing this over and over again, because they can see another glimpse of God by singing it one more time. But I think that's the culture we live in because we kind of have developed this habit of just going on to what's next. We kind of see this in technology, don't we? There's new things, new devices, new technology. Will that will come out. And before we even understand what the is, we want to jump to the new, don't we? And as a student pastor trying to keep up with trends and slang terms with the teenagers, it's impossible. It's because one word is being used by teenagers today is not going to be used tomorrow because this one's old. And so for me, trying to keep up with some of these words is very difficult. So I had someone help me out. They made a list for us this morning. It's going to come up on the screen because I needed help coming up with these terms. And even the teenagers can probably help us with this. But maybe this is a little homework for you all, because if you all have teenagers or around teenagers, this is the language they use. And if you're going to ask me what it means, I can get help here, but you're not to ask them. So. So one word that we used to use is called what's the skinny on something? Well, today they say, what's the tea? What's the tea? Or they might say something that's so cringe. Well, today they say it gives me the ick. I mean, yeah, you make the connection. I can't. Third one is that's lit. Meaning it's like a good term. Like something's good, like something's great. But now they say that straight gas. What is who came up with that? I don't know. In fact, you probably ask him where did that come from? They're going to say, I don't know. They just say it. Number four, They say something is used to say that's lame. Well, now they say, that's Chucky. I, I don't know, a fifth. And this is the one that was used the most. But we used to say, you got game. But the last one is you got Riz right over my head. Like, I don't know. And they don't even know, honestly, how these words came to mean. But it's crazy how words change. So quickly and we move out of what is what used to be into what's next. But I bring all this up in a funny way is that we often exchange repetition with for what's next, meaning we don't linger on a thought, we don't linger on a passage in our Bible studies. We just read something and we want to get on to what's next in a worship song. Sometimes we get tired of singing a lyric or a bridge or a chorus or even a song because we want to move on to what's next. But the reality is sometimes we need to sing it again because we need to understand it a little bit more. Sometimes we need to stay in the Word of God and work through it. And we read a verse and we read it again and again and again until it makes sense in our minds. But too quickly we read it. Okay, I'm done and move on. But listen to me we can't get close to God with that. It's it's also true. Meditation is not mundane. Meditating on God is not boring lingering and thinking more deeply about who God is in His Holiness and His glory and his beauty. Sometimes it requires us to to spend a little bit more time in it. So when it comes to the perfect, infinite Almighty God, listen, it requires repetition and meditation to know him more. So some of you may have a question. I just want to get to know God more, but I'm not sure. Well, maybe you need to spend a little bit more time in lingering in this word. Maybe you spend more time singing those songs or praying those prayers, because if we want to get to know the infinite God, we're going to have to spend more time goes on here in verse four and the foundations. This again, Isaiah trying to capture this moment of the threshold shook at the voice of him who called and the house was filled with smoke. So now God speaks and now the thresholds of the temple are shaking and Isaiah is trying to record this as much as he can. But often in the Bible, God reveals himself in ways for man to understand. He would reveal himself in the burning bush with fire, with smoke, and sometimes with these thunderous voices. But it's cool to think that the God who must hold back his holy presence from man, he occasionally revealed himself in a form that we can comprehend. This is why he says to Moses, You can't see me and live. Moses says, I want to see you. But God says, Listen, you can't see me live. So you need to turn around. But the beautiful kind of a climate climax of all of this is that God becomes a man so that we can actually comprehend and see God in human form, in Jesus Christ. Yeah. So, yes, the God is holy. He is separate, He is high lifted up. But what separates Christianity from all other religions is that God became a man so that we could see Him and be with them. He goes on here verse five, I want you to see Isaiah's response. And I said, Woe is me. Isaiah says, Woe is me, for I am lost. Other translations might say undone. Isaiah was he was dead. He sees God, He hears his voice. And you can imagine Isaiah just being on his face. I am undone, I am lost. Woe is me. I want you to really pay attention here to Isaiah as personal conviction. Because in the chapter right before this, Isaiah was saying Woe to those wicked people. He was prophesying and he was judging the wicked and God was telling him, Woe to these wicked people, woe to these wicked people. He says it five times in the chapter before, but now he gets to hear and he sees God and he says, Woe is me and you and I need this. We need to have a personal conviction of the glory and the holiness of God and realize who we are. This is why He goes on to say, for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips. And this idea of unclean lips is coming from the chapter before likely because he's talking about sins we commit with our lips. Don't get me started on that now, since that we commit with our lips. And Isaiah says I am a man of unclean lips and I dwell in the midst of people with unclean lips. So if Isaiah to be an effective prophet for God's Word, then the truth of God's Word needed to penetrate his own heart first. And the same goes for you and me. Because today we can fall in the trap of instead of allowing God's Word to penetrate our hearts, we can skip over personal conviction and begin to judge others. So instead of reading God's Word, letting it get into our heart to change us, we'll move very quickly to talk about someone else. And if our culture needs anything, the culture doesn't need any more hypocritical Christians. They need convicted Christians. That is, people who are convicted about their beliefs, convicted about their own sin. And now we're moving forward to show the world of a holy God who was willing to send his son to die for us in our place, that we could be holy like that. We don't need any more hypocrites. We don't need any more judgmental Christians. We need people who love people who love God and just stand by his word in holiness. But we need Christians who are convicted and rap of this verse. It says at the end, for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts. So the reason why Isaiah was filled with fear and why he gets down and he says I am undone is because he sees God. See, when we catch a glimpse of the holiness of God, we will see ourselves as God sees us. When we get a glimpse of God in His glory, we will see ourselves accurately for the first time. Because here's the problem. I believe when we compare ourselves to other people, we can always find people that were better than. But when you compare yourself to the Almighty infinite God, you've got nowhere else to go but down. And Tozer has a great quote to help us understand. He says, Until we have seen ourselves as God sees us, we are not likely to be much disturbed over conditions around us as long as they do not get so far out of hand as to threaten our comfortable way of life. We have learned to live with holiness, and I've come to look upon it as the natural and expected thing. It's like when you are at your house and you keep walking past that mess that's been there for a long time, right? Or you got that unfinished project that you haven't finished and you've walked past and you've kind of just stopped noticing it. Well, listen to me. We can do that with the sin in our lives because we're now looking at things that are wholly we're comparing ourselves to other people and we keep working through our sin and not really dealing with it, saying we are not disturbed by our sin because we have become comfortable with it and we compare it to others. Who are you comparing yourself to today? I can tell you who Isaiah did. He was comparing himself to God in the moment and he falls flat. So here is my understanding of the fear of God. I know it took us a while to get here, but I warned you, it's going to take us a minute. But here it is. The fear of God is the result of recognizing the infinite distance of God's holiness from your unkindness that leads to a death appeal for His grace. Let me shorten that for you. It's when we see God and we realize we're not God, it's when we see God and realize that we are broken and unclean. And not only are we broken and unclean, we need his grace just to move forward for you and not to even enter the presence of God. We need the blood of Jesus to be over us. And by faith in Jesus, we are cleansed and we are made holy in the eyes of God and we can be in the presence of God because of it. But that requires that we see God for who He is. So my first encouragement this morning is that you would ask for eyes to see the glory of God. I'm talking in the morning when you wake up, I'm talking at the end. Your bed when you're going to sleep. I'm talking throughout your day that God would give you eyes to see His glory. Because when we see the glory of God, everything changes. Look at this. In Exodus 3318, I mention this earlier. Moses says, Please show me your glory. Oh, you know, we would pray this church that our staff would be praying this, that our people would be praying this, that our elders and our deacons would be praying this. Because if we are church that is looking to see the glory of God, a lot of things would take care of itself. Amen. And you will find God when you see him with all of your heart. Some of you may be thinking, Well, I just I'm struggling to see God in here. God lately. What are you seeking Him with all your heart? Are you holding back because God doesn't want half of. Yeah, He wants all of you. He doesn't want part of your thought life in your mind. He wants all of it. And he wants confession. And a part of being that we need to repent of our sin and come before God and say, God, here I am. I want you with all of my heart. So notice what happens after Isaiah falls before God in repentance. It says in verse six, in Isaiah six, then one the Seraphim, his angelic creatures flies over to Isaiah, having in his hand a burning coal. And this burning coal likely come from this altar of sacrifice. It's this picture we get here. So this Seraphim takes this burning coal that he had taken with the tongs from the altar and he's flying over to Isaiah with it. And there's a purpose. Look at verse seven. And he touched my mouth and said, Behold, this has touched your lips, your guilt is taken away and your sin atone for. So the burning coal taken from the altar of sacrifice brought to the very place Isaiah said, I'm unclean, my lips are unclean. Well, God, since this angelic creature and says, Listen, I'm gonna touch your lips and I'm going to make you clean again. So listen, this morning, although this temporary atonement for Isaiah cleanse his conscience so he could do ministry, Listen, it was foreshadowing a perfect atonement to come later, because not this Kol could not fix his issue with unclean this only the blood of Jesus can. And for me and you know religious practice or amount of praying will fix your unclean this but only faith in Jesus and his blood applied to your life. Can you be holy before God. So listen to me this morning that the fear of God leads to atonement by God, some of you maybe have approached and you've kind of offered up a prayer saying, God, I want to be saved. But honestly, have you ever come to fear God? Have you ever come to the place that realized that God is holy and you're not? And because of that, his judgment over you and your sin has a cost. But when we have a right attitude and posture towards God, it will lead to atonement by placing our faith in Jesus. And I pray that is for you this morning in our last verse, in our main passage here in verse eight, the Lord speaks and look what He says. Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And notice there's a plural there who will go for us. See, I don't think God's speaking on behalf of him and these angelic creatures. I think God's speaking in behalf of the Trinity. We even hearken back all the way to Genesis when it says Make man in our our image. Let us make man in our image. And this is the Trinity speaking to us. They here saying and just kind of declaring, who will we send to go on mission for us? And I love what Isaiah says. Here I am, sin me. This is the same Isaiah who was struck with a terrible fear before God, and it's the same person who fearlessly offers himself to be sent by God. You see the transition, you see the transformation once being on his face. Now he's up, had his hand up saying, God, send me. And what did it take for him to get there? It took him the first fear God, before he could become fearless. So listen, fearing God makes us fearless and now must share three ways before we close today about how this is made possible. I'm gonna run through this pretty quickly. Look at this. Fearing God makes us fearless towards judgment and sin. Look at Psalm 103 11 and 12. It says, For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so is so great. Is his steadfast love towards those who what fear him as far as the East is from the West so far, does he remove our transgressions from us as a father? Shows compassion to his children. So the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him, for He knows our frame and he remembers that we are dust. So you can be fearless from judgment and sin because you have a fear of God. Second, fearing God can take or sorry, fear of God can make us fearless to temptation over thought about this, but fearing God can make us fear. List the temptation. Look at this. In Exodus 20, Moses said to the people, Do not fear for God has come to test you that the fear of him may be before you, that you may not sin the fear of God helps you battle scene in your life. Because when we see God is holy and we recognize we don't want to disobey him, we don't want to walk away from the good things in our life, we're going to walk away from that temptation. Friends. Last but not least, fearing God can make us fearless towards man. Look here, look. 12. I tell you, my friends do not fear those who kill the body and after that have nothing more that they can do. But I will warn you whom to fear him. Who, after he has killed, has authority to cast him to hell? Yes, I tell you. Fear him. Fear God. So here's my point for you this morning, and I hope that you would hear me as we walk through this incredibly thick passage, is that you would fear God to be fear less hope. You see that this morning. I've been praying for you this week that you would would see this truth unpack from all of this, because the holiness and the glory of God can be seen if we would seek the Lord. And that fear that comes from it can actually make you fear of us. I mean, in with this last verse in Revelation one, this is John seeing the glory, the glorious Christ in this vision. And notice what he says. When I saw Him, I fell at his feet as the dead. But he said, but he laid his right hand on me, saying, Fear not friends. I hope this is the place that you're in today, that you would be before God, a holy glorious God, and you would be appealing to His grace and you would reach out and guess what he's going to say to you. Don't fear. Don't fear. You can be fearless. Because here's why. He says, I am the first and the last and the living one. I died. Behold, I'm alive ever more. And I have the keys of death and Hades. You want to be fearless today. If God is for you, who can be against you and if Christ has conquered death and He has the keys to death in Hades, listen, we can go to him and not fear anything in this life. And he wants to use you be on a mission just like Isaiah, to reach those around you for the glory of God so that they might see the glory of God and they might join our. So the challenge for you this morning is very simple. Do you fear God? And I hope you do. Let's pray. Lord Jesus forgive us forever, coming to you in a routine, trivial way. Because yes, you are close, you are near, but you are still the Holy God of the universe. And we bow before you. And yes, we do fear you because you are holy and we are not. But we're so thankful that when we come to you in fear, you tell us Fear not because of what Jesus Christ has done for us. And we want to cling to that and we want to use this fearless attitude to go and make more disciples, to go and spread your glory into our neighborhoods, into our homes, into our workplaces, and to the people that we meet every day. We pray all this and the matchless mighty holy name of Jesus. And everybody said, and then,