Valley View Church

John 8:12-30 | 5 Truths for Moving Forward After Trauma

April 18, 2023 Valley View Church
Valley View Church
John 8:12-30 | 5 Truths for Moving Forward After Trauma
Show Notes

Pastor John shares a personal story about his grandmother who passed away and how it made him reflect on moving forward after trauma. He then analyzes John 8:12-30 and extracts five truths for moving forward after trauma. The first truth is to know where to find life, with Jesus claiming to be the light of the world and the source of real life. Pastor John breaks down the significance of Jesus using "I am" to describe himself and the historical context of light in the Old Testament. Jesus responds to the skepticism of his claims with three arguments, including his absolute self-dependence and the testimony of his Father. He then highlights the importance of looking beyond limited perspectives and seeking a higher truth to move forward after trauma.

You can join us on Sunday mornings at 11 AM for worship. We are located at 8911 3rd Street Road, Louisville KY 40272.